Wednesday, September 19, 2007

On math extension courses

I spent some time today trying to hunt up online courses which I can take up to improve my quant scores.I did find couple of univs that offer these courses.Some of them are UCLA,UCB,HBS etc. but alas, they are really expensive...averaging $500 per course!If I put in money here, I am doomed for investment for apping! :(Sigh, I really think I want to sit down and cry!

I did come across this course called MBA Math that apparently is a great course and is accepted by most of the top univs as a pre-MBA refresher math course.Seems reasonably priced too....anyone gone through this one?


Jaguar Paw said...

Vandana,where did you find this course? details?

Jaguar Paw said...

Vandana,where did you find this course? details?

mbadreamer said...

Jaguar,Check this website:, and I just used google to learn more about this course, they seem to have some discount offer running until the 21st.

Anoop Bhat said...

Hey Vandana, I don't get it? Are you planning to improve your quant scores for GMAT or are you planning to take the course for the MBA? Having graduated as an engineer, I don't see that as a prerequisite....

P.S : I have a similar career background as your except that I did not graduate from a top engineering college and have started my application in fact my UNC interview is just a week off!
Would appreciate if I could get some help with essay reviews! [:)]

-Anoop (