Monday, September 24, 2007

And some more culling out....

So after a reality-check kind of a conversation with my friend, philospoher and guide(strictly for the apping process:)), I chopped off 3 schools from my large list of 10 schools.Reasons why I decided to do so...with the number of essays per school at 4, I might end up writing very tepid essays if I hurry up and try to finish all of them in my eagerness to apply to all the million schools I fancy!I would rather not do so and focus on my essays with dedicated effort!Remember people,quality and not quantity matters...and do start with those essays at schools where you think you have the best shot at getting in.

Another reason being,few of the schools had deadlines too close to my GMAT and I dont think I should attempt at giving them a shot even though they might be very choice schools!So heres my new shortened list(a firm advice from my alumni being keep at least 7 or 8 schools as shortlist).Of course for those of you have a 4.0 and a 750, you could probably just keep it at your top 4 or 3!

(5)Stern(Will I become a pauper if I get through here taking into account insane living expenses at NYC??Hmmmm....)
(7)Kenan Flagler

I am toying with the idea of Duke though...somehow, I dont know if I want to apply there instead of Stern...Sigh,the brain must stop deliberating!


Bulla_ki_jaana said...

ah! nice list..

DallasUS said...

Nice list....I am also applying to Stern, UCLA, UNC....would you be interested in exchanging info./news etc. about those schools via email?

Oops said...

Duke's good for consulting & GM - so it may be a better option than Stern's IB focus for you