Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Schedules - Interviews and Decisions

Jotted down all the important dates that I will be anxiously counting the days to.Now that applications have been sent, theres a strange feeling of restlessness and anxiety that has set in which I am sure will continue until March 28th!Except for UNC, all others are interviews on invitation.UNC give you the option to schedule your interviews before they evaluate your app.

UNC - Jan 28th(I) ; Feb 4th(D)
Duke - Feb 23(I) ; Mar 7th(D)
Ross - Mar 15th(D)
Wharton - Mar 22nd(D)
Darden - Feb 20 - Mar 4(I) ; March 24th(D)
Chicago - Feb 20(I);March 26th(D)
UCLA - Mar 28th(D)

I am so glad Wharton and Ross have early decision dates as they are two of my 3 dream schools(the third being Chicago obviously!).But Id be happy getting into any of the above schools, as I think I have chosen well according to what I have achieved so far and where I see myself going in the next couple of years.Anyways,off I go to peruse interview experiences that must be floating in tiny bits in cyber world.

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