Thursday, January 31, 2008

Paranoid Android

Two days ago,my app status at Darden changed from Complete to Pending along with the below message:

' Your application is now with the Admissions Committee for evaluation. You will be notified of your decision by email on the decision date assigned to the application round in which you applied.'

Now wasnt I supposed to get an Interview Call before this status?Or is it after?Applicants on BW seem to be saying the status updates on Darden seem to keep toggling between pending and interview call and I am yet to go to the brighter side of the toggle!

Also according to BW, interview invites from Chicago and Ross have started rolling out but I havent heard from them as yet and much as I am trying to stay calm here considering the interview invite slots end sometime mid-Feb, I would like some sort of a pacifier from some college indicating that I am a smashing candidate!

Now anyone just absolutely anyone, living, dead or godly,please send me a darn invite!

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