Friday, February 1, 2008

Onto Wordpress..

Readers who have been following my blog, I ve moved to Wordpress.You can catch my posts on:

See ya there!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Paranoid Android

Two days ago,my app status at Darden changed from Complete to Pending along with the below message:

' Your application is now with the Admissions Committee for evaluation. You will be notified of your decision by email on the decision date assigned to the application round in which you applied.'

Now wasnt I supposed to get an Interview Call before this status?Or is it after?Applicants on BW seem to be saying the status updates on Darden seem to keep toggling between pending and interview call and I am yet to go to the brighter side of the toggle!

Also according to BW, interview invites from Chicago and Ross have started rolling out but I havent heard from them as yet and much as I am trying to stay calm here considering the interview invite slots end sometime mid-Feb, I would like some sort of a pacifier from some college indicating that I am a smashing candidate!

Now anyone just absolutely anyone, living, dead or godly,please send me a darn invite!

Monday, January 28, 2008


I swear it I cannot take it!I jump at my inbox at weird hours of the night(thats when America is awake) to check if anyone has sent me an interview invite!Why oh why did I apply to 6 univs that all work on the Interview by Invite methodology?!Readers,I apologize, I just needed a place to rant.

Shot in the dark....well almost!

Had my first interview(telephonic) this morning at about 12 am with UNC which last for about 40 mins.30 mins before the interview, power blanked out at my place thereby taking me to a heightened sense of anxiety and nervousness, I most definitely did not want to speak with Adcom in the dark!Thankfully the lights came back on just in time for the interview.

Interviewer made me feel quite comfortable and overall it was an enjoyable one.I had put in about 8 hrs of preparation the whole of yesterday, writing out my answers(obviously did not recite them out during the interview) so that I would have a clear idea of what I wanted to say.Questions were as follows:

(1)Walk me through your resume(a lot of questions on this one as I have a rather uncommon career path)
(2)Describe yourself
(3)What do you do for fun?
(4)What challenges do you see facing India's growth today?(I am from India)
(5)What books do i read, specifically on leadership?
(6)Where have you travelled(since I have done quite a bit of globetrotting in the last 2 yearas)
(7)A bit on my alumni contribution for my undergrad
(8)Why KFBS?
(7)What do you see yourself doing after an MBA?
(8)Do you plan on staying in US after your MBA?
(9)Any questions from me to him?

Thats about it, he was very kind and suggested a book on leadership that he thought I should read.All in all I think it went well, fingers and toes crossed(decision deadlines on Feb 4th)!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Next steps

Now that essays are done, there seems to be too much time to wade into the nitty gritties of each college in hopeful anticipation of interview calls!While I have come across couple of blogs that host up their interview experiences, I do know only of one website that actually collates interview transcripts( would be so grateful if any of you could send me your inputs on interview transcripts that you refer to for the schools I have listed.

One more question at the cost of sounding ignorant,what type of questions does one typically ask an interviewer, is it more of a how will your univ help me or more of a first-hand account on what they can offer in terms of courses and clubs etc?Send me your thoughts!

Its poll time!

I think this feature of blogspot is simply amazing!I decided to put in two sets of polling tabs today for schools that I have applied to.In terms of my own preferences for various factors I have taken into consideration, I thought it was only fair to split my 7 schools into 4 + 3.Please do vote in for both sets!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Stern R3?

I know R3 is the round that for all practical reasons colleges see as 'The Filler Round' but I must ask this, should I apply to Stern in R3?The location is perfect and I seem to be doggedly having a need to apply to this school.Couldnt apply in R2 because I didnt feel I was prepared enough for the essays it asked for.

Send in your thoughts!