Wednesday, July 18, 2007

My journey begins......

Here is the first of my journal to my MBA dream in a premier US B-school.I have been trying to get myself to pick up the books and study but alas!Nevertheless I have been wading through tons and tons of blogs of hopefuls and learning a lot from them...I would say clearadmit is one blog that really shows the path!All of you beginners who are in a similar situation as me, try that to begin with as well as throughout your journey.

I plan to put up all the blogs that I refer to as of today as soon as I am done with this post.My intent of this blog is two-fold, one to streamline myself and two, to get comments from other applicants such as I trudge on toward my goal.

After some massive research on what books I need to start my preparations(yes I know, July is probably way overdue to start prep but nevertheless, if not R1, i ll make my peace with R2!), I ve settled on the following:

(1)Official guide - 11th edition
(2)KAP 2007(Book + S/W)
(3)KAP 800

Off i go for the day, for a cuppa tea and some book buying!

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