Saturday, October 13, 2007

Toughest bike ride yet..

Just back from a work trip to Europe, and I was totally wrung out by the time I headed back home, such was the work load...keeping timings from 8:30 am till 12:00 pm sure aint a piece of cake!I had taken my books for studying and alas, all I could manage was poring over my Kaplan during 2 hr transits!I did get my GMAT dates done though, Nov 20th is the golden date and I fervently hope I am ready to give it my best shot that day.

On the one weekend that I had free during my trip, I treaded the dangerous ground of asking my boss to be one of my recommendors.What began at 10 am went on till 6 pm where I was primarily telling him why and where I wanted to do an MBA etc.The difficult part was, he wasnt too pleased to let me go from my job if I did make it to a much for being good at work eh!We went out on a terrain biking spree that afternoon, where apart from me trying to huff and puff my way through woods and meadows in the pristine countryside, I had the challenge of convincing him to be a recommendor of mine.It was tough convincing him but got an assurance from him finally...and I thought to myself, being good at work is certainly a double-edged sword!

This experience of mine certainly addresses the topic of 'how can I ask my current boss for a recommendation...isnt that like treading on broken glass!' Well , how I did convince him in the end to be my recommendor was by really driving the point home that I was passionate about doing an MBA.One down, one more to go people..

I ran my first essay by my reviewer and he was quite positive about it..a silver lining eh :)!I plan to pack in some solid hrs of studying and drafting as many essays as possible.Thank god that I have a pushy reviewer to keep me on track!